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CosPlan 2013-14

1 min read
Wow...I haven't written a journal in such a long time :I

Although I am probably going to be on yet another hiatus, hopefully I'll be able to complete some of them...

- Grimbark!Jade w/ :iconkyiasune: as Evil Jane
- Vriska Serket 
- Damara Megido
- Trickster!Jake w/ :iconkyiasune: as Trickster!Jane 
- Synchronicity Miku (musttt find time to finish her...orz)
- Secret Police Luka
- Azula

And the never-ending list of stuff that I'll get to sometime someday....

- Mindfang 
- Aradia Megido
- Ada Wang
- Sandplay!Luka/Miku/Meiko
- Rondo of the Sun and Moon!Miku
- Hagane!Luka
- Little red riding hood!Miku
- Euphemia 
- Snow Miku 2014
- Kuro Usagi
- Perona
- Saeko Busujima
- Hitagi Senjogahara
- Mami Tomoe
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I'm actually still in denial that it's already 2013..I believe I shall keep pretend it is still sometime between 12/31 23:59:59 and 1/1 0:00:00.

2012 Cosplay in a nutshell: Roxy Lalonde/Andrew Hussie/ Dave Strider

This year has been such an unproductive cosplay year, yet super productive homestuck year XDD
Introduced some friends to homestuck, helped raise the homestuck fanbase here in Taiwan (not like it needed much helping, e. coli couldn't multiply as fast as our members were OuO), drew loads of homestuck fanart...even recently signed into collabing in a non-profit homestuck artbook..
....no, I refuse to say that I'm addicted to homestuck.
What are you talking about? This is absolutely just a healthy dose of homestuck that every kid should have. =w=



- Synchronicity Miku (I still haven't gotten around to fixing it...urgh)
- Dave Strider re-shoot
- Porrim Maryam
- Aradia Megido
- Madness of Duke Venomania Luka
- (Corpse of) Madam Red re-shoot
- Ada Wong 4th gen

...of course, being in Junior year and all, I'll be lucky if I actually do one or two of them....orz
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Hay guys.
I...realized that I've been kind of a ghost for a long time...
Anyways, uploaded a few stuff from early 2012 and summer...maybe I'll upload more when I feel motivated /shot



- Hatsune Miku (Synchronicity)
- Andrew Hussie (Sepulchritude shirt)
- Vriska Serket (Black shirt)
- Dave Strider (Alpha)

Want to/Thinking Of:
- Vriska Serket (Wendy)
- Rose Lalonde (God Tier)

...yes, they're mainly homestuck dominated for now.
What can I say, I haven't really read anything other than HS this year xD
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Stolen from :iconusakan: because I'm bored.

Level 1
() Smoked a cigarette.
() Smoked a cigar.
() Kissed a member of the same sex (not on the lips, no)

Level 2
(x) Are/been in love.
() Dumped someone.
() Been fired.
(x) Been in a fist fight.

Level 3
(x) Had a crush on an older person.
() Skipped class.  
() Slept with a co-worker.
(x) Seen someone/something die. (Bugs, fish, hamsters getting eaten...)

Level 4
() Had/have a crush on one of your DA friends.
() Been to Paris.  
() Been to Spain.
(x) Been on a plane. (I think most people have been on a plane at least once...o_o)
() Thrown up from drinking.

Level 5
(x) Eaten sushi.
() Been snowboarding.
(x) Met someone in person through the internet.
(x) Been in a mosh pit  (MOSH! MOSH! MOSH!)

Level 6
() Been in an abusive relationship.
(x) Taken painkillers. (Tylenol counts right?)
(x) Liked/loved someone who you couldn't have.
(x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by.
() Made a snow angel.
SO FAR: 11

Level 7
(x) Had a tea party.
(x) Flown a kite.
(x) Built a sand castle.
() Gone mudding.
(x) Played dress-up. (Cosplay counts right?)
SO FAR: 15

Level 8
() Jumped into a pile of leaves.
(x) Gone sledding.
(x) Cheated while playing a game. (ouo)
(x) Been Lonely.
(x) Fallen asleep at work/school. (All the time hurr hurr)
SO far: 19

Level 10
(x) Watched the sun set or rise.
(x) Felt an earthquake.
() Killed a snake.
SO FAR: 21

Level 11
(x) Been tickled.
(x) Been robbed/vandalized. (My laptop got drawn on...;u;)
() Been cheated on.
(x) Been misunderstood.
SO FAR:  24

Level 12
(x) Won a contest.
() Been suspended from school.
() Had detention
(x) Been in a car/motorcycle accident. (opened the door in the middle of the road and caused a motorcyclist to crash..whoooops...)
SO FAR: 26

Level 13
(x) Had/have braces.
(x) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night. (This is why I'm fat! No regrets though! /shot)
(x) Danced in the moonlight.
SO FAR: 29

Level 14
(x) Hated the way you look.
() Witnessed a crime.
() Pole danced.
(x) Questioned your heart.
() Been obsessed with post-it notes.
SO FAR: 31

Level 15
() Squished barefoot through the mud.
(x) Been to the opposite side of the world.
(x) Swam in the ocean.
(x) Felt like you were dying. (Almost drowned once o_o)
SO FAR: 34

Level 16
(x) Cried yourself to sleep.
(x) Played cops and robbers.
(x) Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers.
(x) Sang karaoke.
(x) Paid for a meal with only coins. (7-11 meals, yea)
SO FAR: 39

Level 17
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't. ("I won't go online until I finish my hw!")
(x) Made prank phone calls.
() Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose.
(x) Kissed in the rain.
SO FAR: 42

Level 18
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus.
(x) Watched the sunset/sunrise with someone you care/cared about. (My family? xD)
(x) Blown bubbles.
()Made a bonfire on the beach or anywhere.
SO FAR: 45

Level 19
() Crashed a party.
(x) Have traveled more than 5 days with a car full of people. (Not fun. Nooot fun.)
(x) Gone rollerskating/blading.
(x) Had a wish come true.  
() Been humped by a monkey. (dafaq)
SO FAR: 48

Level 20
() Jumped off a bridge.
() Jumped off a cliff
(x) Screamed bad words
() Swam with dolphins.
SO FAR: 49

Level 21
() Got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cubes. (Only my fingers..haha)
(x) Kicked a fish. (Snorkeling...lawl. I didn't mean to do it, it got in my way D:)
(x) Worn the opposite sex's clothes.
(x) Sat on a rooftop and watched the stars.
SO FAR: 52

Level 22
(x) Screamed at the top of your lungs.
(x) Done/attempted a one-handed cartwheel. (Failed...big time...lmao)
() Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours.
(x) Recently stayed up really late talking to someone you care about.
SO FAR: 55

Level 23
() Picked and ate an apple right off the tree.
(x) Climbed a tree.  
(x) Had/been in a tree house.
(x) Been scared to watch scary movies alone. (Still ended up watching it though LOL)
SO FAR: 58

Level 24
(x) Believe in ghosts.
() Have had more than 30 pairs of shoes. (Not all at one time)
() Gone streaking.
(x) Visited a jail.
SO FAR: 60

Level 25
(x) Played chicken.
() Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on.
(x) Been told you're hot by a complete stranger.
() Broken a bone.
(x) Been easily amused.
SO FAR: 63

Level 26
(x) Caught a fish then ate it later.  
() Made a porn video/got asked to make one.
(x) Caught a butterfly.
(x) Laughed so hard you cried. (All the time)
(x) Cried so hard you laughed.
SO FAR:  67

Level 27
() Mooned/flashed someone.
() Had someone moon/flash you.
(x) Cheated on a test. (Back in lower school ;u;)
(x) Forgotten someone's name. (What's your name again?)
() French braided someone's hair.
() Gone skinny dipping.
() Been kicked out of your house.
SO FAR: 69

Level 28
(x) Rode a roller coaster.
(x) Went scuba-diving/snorkeling.
() Had a cavity.  
(x) Blackmailed someone.
(x) Been blackmailed.
SO FAR:  73

Level 29
(x) Been used.
(x) Fell going up the stairs.
() Licked a cat. (only a bunny)
() Bitten a cat. (only bunnies ouo)
() Gone to a rave party.
SO FAR: 75

Level 30
() Been shot at/or at gunpoint.
() Had sex in the rain.
() Flattened someone's tires.
(x) Rode in a car/truck until the gas light came on.
() Got five dollars or less worth of gas.

0-10: Go outside.
11-20: Get a life.
21-30: Loser.
31-40: Loner.
41-50: You have friends?
51-60: You're kinda-sorta cool.
61-70: I'll hang with you.
71-80: Mr. Cool.
81-90: Dude, you're sweet!
91-100: Friggin' awesome!
101-110: Woah!
111-119: Holy crap, you belong in a hospital!
120: Corpse...

Call me Mr. Cool B)
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Since they're all posts instead of art (and I was too lazy to draw /shot)
I'm just gonna..make a compiled journal of all of them ouo

Day Nineteen: A post dedicated to your Moirail

Hey der.
Thanks for being there.
Even though you're pretty much useless most of the time /shot
Then again I think I'm usually useless to you too. /shot again.
And no, I will not stop being a pain in your arse
Or less annoying.
And I will keep driving you crazy until..well...I don't know. Anything seems likely lately. So I'll just let those ......s drive you crazy.
So you better continue holding me back and keeping me sane
I'll eat you.
Cuz you look like a baby seal.
And I eat baby seals.

Day Twenty: A post dedicated to your Matesprit

I wonder who you are.
do you even exist?

Day Twenty-One: A post dedicated to your Auspitice[s]

I think I fail at being an Auspitice ;w;
oh well.
I'll keep trying.

Day Twenty-Two: A post dedicated to your Kismesis

I hate you.
But don't get out of my life.
Or change how you are.
Because then I won't have any one to hate or rant about.
Which will make this already uneventful life awfully boring.
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CosPlan 2013-14 by Midorinokurokami, journal

Merry be-lated Xmas, and HAPPY NEW YEARRRR by Midorinokurokami, journal

Eh. Hi. //general chitchat + 2012 cos plans by Midorinokurokami, journal

Stolen Meme -- B) by Midorinokurokami, journal

30 Day Challenge: Day 19, 20,21,22 by Midorinokurokami, journal